
What Are The People Like In China What Is The Ethnic Makeup Of China

Prc, with more than 1.ii billion people, is the near populous state in the world. Overall population density of the country is somewhat over 110 people per square kilometer, which is only about one-3rd that of Nihon and less than many other countries in Asia and in Europe. Regional variations, still, are dramatic as over 90 percent of the Chinese population alive on less than 40 per centum of the land.

To the left is a map showing the distribution and density of China'southward population. One tiny dot indicates 50,000 people.

How does the distribution of Cathay's population relate to its topography and climate?

Map of China's population density source

Immediately after the 1949 revolution the Chinese government encouraged its people to have large families in lodge to increase the work force depleted past years of war. However, product and modernization could not keep up with the growing population, thereby forcing a change in authorities policy.  An all-encompassing birth control programme has been in effect since the belatedly 1970s. Present, city-dwellers are required to adhere to the one-child policy, and even in the countryside families rarely accept more than two or three children.

This population control propaganda poster reads "Command population growth, improve our man race."

What are the liabilities of a huge population for China? 

Population control propaganda affiche from 1988 source


Mainland china, similar all other large states, is multi-ethnic. The Han people, even so, class the large bulk, with about 94 percent of the population. While former Chinese governments traditionally acknowledged the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Turkish, and Tibetan ethnic groups, the electric current Chinese government officially recognizes 56 ethnic groups, including the Han. The Han majority speak Chinese, but nigh of the minorities speak other languages, falling into 15 master language families.


Beneath is a map showing the distribution of Cathay's population in terms of the major language families.  Note that what is generally termed Chinese is here divided into Mandarin and Southern.

Which region has the greatest diversity of minorities?

Map of China's current language groups                                           source

Han Chinese are also marked by further linguistic diversity, in that the spoken forms of their different dialects vary equally widely as the languages of Europe. All of the Han nonetheless use a common written form of Chinese and share mutual social system, values, and cultural characteristics that are recognized as Chinese.

If these dialects are not mutually intelligible, how tin they use a mutual written form?


To the right is a film of a farmer's market in Shandong province in North China

How do yous suppose people in Red china would recognize that the buyers and sellers here are Han Chinese?


Over the centuries many ethnic groups take been absorbed into the Han majority, specially in the southward and west.  Sichuan has always had many ethnic groups, but today the large bulk are Han Chinese.  Individuals in a Sichuan courtyard, 2001                                                                         source

The bulk of ethnic minorities today live in the northeast, northwest, and southwest, undoubtedly as a effect of the expansion of the Han Chinese over the centuries.

Below and to the right you see members of the Korean minority playing a traditional game.


Why do y'all remember at that place are then many Koreans in Communist china?


Seesaw game source


Korean kid dressed in furs source

Mongols are one of the largest minorities in Red china, concentrated especially in the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region.

Many Mongols outside the cities still live in large round tents called yurts.  

A Mongol family outside their yurt helping an injured swan  source

Three Mongol children source

Wrestling, shown below, is a sport the Mongols love.

Mongol wrestlers source

Most ethnic Uighurs alive in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region.  Kickoff in the Han dynasty, Han Chinese fought for hegemony along the Yili and Tarim caravan routes through this region, but it was not until the Qing dynasty that the area was fully incorporated into the Chinese state.  Uighurs speak a Turkish language and nearly are Moslem.

Uighur hat vendor source

Most Tibetans live on the Tibetan Plateau, which includes Qinghai province as well as the Tibetan Autonomous Province.

To the left is a adult female in traditional Tibetan dress. Beneath is a scene showing a Tibetan opera operation.


Tibetan opera performance source

To the left is a picture showing Buyi  women from Southwest China.

Among ethnic minorities, women's and children's clothing and hairstyle often seems to diverge more than from Han customs than men'southward practise.

Can y'all call back of any explanations for this?

Stone village in Guizhou Province source


To the right is a picture show of Qiang people in Southwest China.

What practice yous recollect these people are doing?


To the left is a picture showing a Yi woman from Southwest China.

What might exist the purpose of the intricate design on her jacket?

Yi woman in her costume,

Sichuan province source



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