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Ideally, makeup tin make you expect and feel glamorous. Still, at times makeup can show its ugly side if you accept a reaction to it that causes your optics to swell and become itchy, watery or painful. If you're experiencing these symptoms, you could exist having an allergic reaction or fifty-fifty an infection or chronic condition. To continue your eyelids from swelling later on you lot use makeup, be certain to utilise information technology correctly and use a brand that's safe for you.

Makeup Allergies

People who take allergies or sensitive skin are most likely to have allergic reactions to eye makeup. Reactions include watering, itching, redness, swelling and flaking of the eyelids. The University of Illinois Department of Ophthalmology recommends that yous avoid products with added fragrance, Rosin or colophony, nickel and lanolin. Look for products marked hypoallergenic, meaning less likely to cause allergy. You lot may need to try several products earlier you notice one that doesn't make your optics neat.

Bacterial Infection

All middle cosmetics have preservatives designed to tedious the growth of bacteria. Nonetheless, the older your makeup gets and the more it'due south used, the more probable information technology is to comprise leaner that can infect your eyelid. This can cause raised bumps or boils, swelling and redness. If your middle makeup is causing this type of reaction, throw it out and switch to a new product.


According to MayoClinic.com, an allergy to makeup may result the eye condition blepharitis, which is an inflammation of the eyelid that causes it to swell and turn red. You may likewise have "crusty" eyelids, particularly when you wake up. This often is a chronic condition that may require antibiotics if it doesn't disappear on its ain. If you've switched eye makeup products and your optics are still swollen, clean your eyelids regularly with a warm washcloth and see your physician to find out if you lot need additional handling.

Safety and Correct Apply

The way you use your center makeup can touch your eyelids. You lot should e'er utilise clean cosmetics that contain equally few allergens equally possible. Replace center makeup after six months, and never share information technology with friends. When applying eyeliner, keep it away from the lash line. Never use saliva to wet an eye pencil or otherwise apply makeup, as it can spread leaner to your eye. Afterwards wearing makeup, clean your eyes thoroughly without rubbing or scrubbing. Never sleep with makeup on.

Medical Weather

If you have connected bug with eyelid swelling, you may have a chronic infection. You may also have a more than serious condition, which makeup only aggravates. Encounter your doctor if the swelling continues over several days, or if your eyelids swell to the point you can't open or shut your eyes.