
Simon In The Land Of Chalk Drawings Theme

Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings

My siblings and I fell in love with this animated short film series when we were tiny moppets. We would lay on the floor in our school clothes waiting to go to preschool or to a babysitter's home.

Many of our generation recall the theme tune. It has even been mentioned on popular comedy programs, like Saturday Night Live. Still, most do not seem to recall much of the animation. This page is made up of images from and information about the show that appear at Little Gems.

The only reason I have created these pages is that my friends and I have had problems with the load time and load quality of the original Little Gems site hosted by Fortune City. It is not my intention to disrespect, plagiarize or belittle the work of Little Gems. Hopefully these pages will load more quickly and efficiently. All images are thumbnails of the originals, which will load faster than resized original images. Originals can be viewed by clicking any thumbnail. Happy memories!


"Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings was produced in the early 1970s (thanks to Gasper Bongiovani) by FilmFair London Productions. It concerned the adventures of a small boy who had a magic blackboard in his bedroom. It was magical for one reason only - whatever Simon drew on his blackboard would appear in Chalk Drawing Land. Only Simon knew of this special place and only he could create the drawings for it.

"Chalk Drawing Land was found just over the fence which Simon normally entered by climbing a ladder. Occasionally the characters of Chalk Drawing Land would wait to meet Simon on the fence itself. Once on top of the fence, Simon was transported to the fantasy world of which everything was a chalk drawing except Simon. This children's adventure normally lasted about five or so minutes." -Iian, as seen at Little Gems

Simon In The Land Of Chalk Drawings Theme


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