Business Proposal Letter Template – Format, Sample & Example

A Business Proposal Letter or proposal letter for business allows a business to create an opportunity for itself by sending the list of services, the probable outcome, and process of the deal to a potential client or customer. A business proposal letter is crucial for an individual or organization since it allows them to explore new opportunities in the market. It is also a part of your effective communication strategy as it describes the details of your professional goals accurately before you send the actual business proposal to a company or individual.

Business Proposal Letter Format

A business proposal letter is a formal introduction to your company as it describes its values, goals, and professionalism. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a formal tone that is usually used in corporate transactions. The fundamental elements of a formal letter should be followed in this letter as well and you can explore the different samples and templates provided on numerous sites on the internet before writing your first business proposal letter.

The letter must start with the name and details of the sender and after that, the name and details of the recipient must be mentioned. A proper salutation for the recipient is a must and the main motive of writing the letter must be short and crisp. Overall, the main body of the letter can contain three of a maximum of four paragraphs and before concluding the letter you thanking the recipient to giving his/her valuable time to read their proposal letter. The letter should be concluded with the sender's name, his designation in the company and the name of the company.

How to write a business proposal letter?

An effective business proposal letter is a must if you want to present yourself or your organization is the best manner. Apart from using a proper format and following the basic rules of a formal letter, you must also understand how to use a perfect tone and structure for writing an elite proposal letter for business. Here are a few tips that you can follow while writing a business proposal letter:

Mention the date and 'Re' after the recipient's address as you do in a formal letter. Mention the purpose of the letter clearly after the 'Re' so that the recipient gets an idea before reading your letter.

Do not forget to mention the background information in the 1 st paragraph itself. For example, if you have met the recipient personally before writing this letter, you can use the reference for your meeting.

Mention the intent of your letter clearly in the first paragraph itself and follow it with the list of services provided by you or the features of your products. Avoid making any quotation in this letter as that should be included only in the actual business proposal. Remember that this is just the cover of your proposal.

Attach the necessary documents and details that would further authenticate your business proposal letter.

How to start a business proposal letter?

It is also important to start a business letter properly since many people goof up this part.

Do not start with your name and details if you are writing on company letterhead as the details will be already mentioned in the letterhead.

Always use a proper salutation like 'Respected' instead of 'Dear' if you are writing to a higher authority or a person who is working at a higher designation than you. Also, address a person as Mr. or Ms. only if you are sure of their gender. If the recipient holds a doctorate degree or honor, you can also use a 'Dr.' before his/her name.

Business Proposal Sample Letter Examples

Before writing a formal business proposal letter, you can refer to the different types of business proposal letter templates and samples which are available on the internet. However, before following a particular format or template, make sure that it suits your business and purpose of writing.

If the main purpose of your business is to sell products, then you need to focus on the product business proposal letter samples. A perfect letter would help you sell your products easily and you will also be able to earn more customers in the future. While referring to the product business proposal letter sample see that the product mentioned in the letter and its benefits are similar to the ones that you are intending to sell.

A business proposal letter with intent is used when are about to close in on a particular business deal. It could be used for starting a joint venture, for acquiring a new company and any other important business transaction.

Sample 1: Product Business Proposal Letter Sample

Tamara Howe
3415 Lobortis. Avenue
Rocky Mount WA 48580
(655) 840-6139


Keegan Blair
Ap #761-2515 Egestas. Rd.
Manitowoc TN 07528

Subject: (____________)

Dear Keegan Blair,

Coolmoon Restaurant is presenting this letter of intent with the purpose of buying a commercial space in Starworks Building.
We are a reputed chain of restaurants in Chicago and have many branches across the city. Therefore, we are planning to expand our business further and 'Starworks Building' is deemed as a perfect place by our board of directors.
The necessary terms and conditions are mentioned in the attached enclosure. We are confident that our restaurant fits the idea and business purpose of Starworks Building and therefore we are looking forward to closing this deal with you.
Please let me know if you have any queries or doubts regarding this deal.

Yours truly,
Tamara Howe
Owner, Coolmoon Restaurant

This letter is used if you are offering any services to the recipient.

Sample 2: Sample Business Proposal Letter for Services

Keaton Underwood
Ap #636-8082 Arcu Avenue
Thiensville Maryland 19587
(564) 908-6970


Nasim Strong
Ap #630-3889 Nulla. Street
Watervliet Oklahoma 70863

Subject: (____________)

Dear Keegan Blair,

I, Keaton Underwood, am writing this letter on behalf of Galaxy Info-Services. Our company is into web and graphic designing services and we can provide them at a reasonable and competitive price range. Your SEO Company might require our services and we will be glad if you consider us perfect for this opportunity.
Thank you for giving us your valuable time and we are looking forward to your response.

Yours truly,
Keaton Underwood
Co-owner, Galaxy Info-Services


This letter can be used when you are offering a business partnership to someone. Here's a sample for understanding the format better:

Sample 3: Sample Business Proposal Letter for Partnership

Pascale Patton
P.O. Box 399 4275 Amet Street
West Allis NC 36734
(676) 334-2174


Ivor Delgado
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317

Subject: (____________)

Dear Ivor Delgado,

I, Ruth Stevens, am writing this on behalf of Global Cloud Services. We are in an IT firm and we have worked on several international projects since 2011.
Recently, we got to know about the exceptional content writing services you offer for your clients. Therefore, we consider it a good opportunity to offer you a partnership with our firm. We ourselves require a lot of content in various niches and we can also use our contacts to get more and profitable work for you. I think that together we can grow exponentially and would like to hear from you soon on this matter.
Thank you for giving us your valuable time.

Pascale Patton
CEO – Global Cloud Services

This letter can be used while offering your transport services to a business or organization.

Sample 4: Sample Business Proposal Letter for Transport Services

Pascale Patton
P.O. Box 399 4275 Amet Street
West Allis NC 36734
(676) 334-2174


Ivor Delgado
Ap #310-1678 Ut Av.
Santa Barbara MT 88317

Subject: (____________)

Dear Ivor Delgado,

We, Consol Cab Services, are providing cab services to various organizations and MNCs since 2015.
Recently, we came to know that your organization requires cab services for night-shift employees. We are pleased to offer our services to you at the best competitive market rates. Also, we would like to inform you that we are known for providing timely and user-friendly services. Therefore, I think that you would give us an opportunity to serve your organization.

Thank you!

Pascale Patton
MD – Consol Cab Services

A business proposal cover letter acts as a formal cover letter to a business proposal.

Sample 5: Business Proposal Cover Letter Sample

Jordan Calderon
430-985 Eleifend St.
Duluth Washington 92611
(427) 930-5255


Zorita Anderson
1964 Facilisis Avenue
Bell Gardens Texas 87065

Subject: (____________)

Dear Zorita Anderson,

I, Richard Timpson, am writing this letter on behalf of Virtual Catering Services. As per our telephonic conversation dated on 9 th June 2019, I'm sharing a proposal with you. The complete quotation and terms of business are mentioned in the attachment. Please feel free to call me if you have any queries or doubts regarding the same. I'm hoping for a fast response from your end. Thank you for considering our business proposal.

Yours truly,
Jordan Calderon
Owner – Virtual Catering Services

This letter can be used to offer distributing services for a particular brand or product.

Sample 6: Business Proposal Letter for Distributorship

Sade Higgins
Ap #287-3260 Ut St.
Wilmington OR 05182
(422) 517-6053


Dante Bennett
481-8762 Nulla Street
Dearborn OR 62401

Subject: (____________)

Dear Dante Bennett,

I, Wilton Sherling, am writing this letter on behalf of Richard & Co Distributors. We are offering distributorship services in Chicago, Washington, and New York since 2014. In these years, we have provided our services to numerous international brands and businesses.
We came to know that a few of your products need distributors in Washington. Therefore, I'm writing this letter to offer you our best services in the most competitive rates. I have attached the complete details of our services in the attachment. Also, I think that together we can grow at an exponential rate.
Please reply us back after receiving this letter. Thank you for considering our business proposal.

Yours truly,
Sade Higgins
MD – Richard & Co Distributors

This letter can be used to offer a transport business to a client.

Sample 7: Transport Business Proposal Letter

Daniel Malone
2136 Adipiscing Av.
Lima RI 93490
(360) 669-3923


Emerson Espinoza
Ap #247-5577 Tincidunt St.
Corpus Christi WI 97020

Subject: (____________)

Dear Emerson Espinoza,

I, Rich Stone, am writing this letter on behalf of Docket Goods Transport Services. We are involved in long route goods transport since 2011 and have served many MNCs during this period. We have heard that you require a reliable transport service for delivering some of your products to your outstation customers.
Therefore, I have written this letter to offer our services to you at the most budget-friendly rates. A detailed quotation letter will be sent to you after your confirmation.
I'm waiting for your response. Thank you!

Daniel Malone
CEO – Docket Goods Transport Services

This letter can be used to offer laundry services to another business.

Sample 8: Laundry Business Proposal Letter

Elmo Lopez
Ap #481-7473 Cum Rd.
Yorba Linda South Carolina 28423
(295) 983-3476


Aaron Trujillo
Ap #146-3132 Cras Rd.
Kingsport NH 56618

Subject: (____________)

Dear Aaron Trujillo,

We, Elite Laundry Services, are working in this industry since 2010. We are known for our user-friendly and reliable services across the state. Recently we have come to know that your garment factory needs laundry services on a regular basis. Therefore, we take this opportunity to offer our services at economical rates to your company.
I'm awaiting your positive response. Thank you!

Yours truly,
Elmo Lopez
CEO- Elite Laundry Services


This letter can be used to offer a product to a particular business or organization.

Sample 9: Product Business Proposal Letter

Liberty Walton
343-6527 Purus. Avenue
Logan NV 12657
(581) 379-7573


Hu Park
1429 Netus Rd.
Reedsport NY 48247

Subject: (____________)

Dear Hu Park,

I, Kevin Reaves, am writing this letter on behalf of Aqua Away that supplies water purifiers to industrial and residential projects. We are working in this industry since 2011 and we take pride in being one of the most reliable brands in the market today.
We have heard that your company, Arnold Engineering requires water purifiers for different hydro plants and projects. Therefore, I'm writing this letter to offer our product 'Escrow Water Purifier' which is compatible with all the hydro plants. You will find the details of this product in the attachment and you can also call me on 1234-234234 for more details.

I'm awaiting a positive response from your end. Thank you!

(Your Signature)
Liberty Walton
MD – Aqua Away

This letter is generally used to reject a business proposal.

Sample 10: Free Business Proposal Rejection Letter

Cleo Best
282-8351 Tincidunt Ave
Sedalia Utah 53700
(252) 204-1434


Ina Burt
Ap #130-1685 Ut Street
Tyler KS 73510

Subject: (____________)

Dear Ina Burt,

I, Steve Smith, am writing this letter on behalf of Sun Computer Systems. Last week you had sent a digital marketing proposal to me on behalf of Stole IT Services. We had a detailed look at a proposal but we are sorry to inform you that we are rejecting it on the basis on lack of explanation on the implementation and execution part.
Our company requires a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. While your ideas were innovative and impressive, the proposal did not contain any details on the implementation and execution of those ideas.
I also suggest you work on this and send me a revised business proposal so that we can have a look at it again.

Cleo Best
CEO – Sun Computer Systems

This letter is generally used to reject a business proposal.

Sample 11: Business Proposal Contract Letter to Client

Lyle Sutton
Ap #250-9843 Elementum St.
South Gate Missouri 68999
(736) 522-8584


Palmer Gay
557-2026 Purus St.
Watertown TN 07367

Subject: (____________)

Dear Palmer Gay,

I, Wilson Margot, am sending this letter on behalf of Devolt Microsystems. Last week we had a telephonic conversation regarding the installation of computer systems in your office. You had asked about the specifications and details and I have attached them in this mail.
Please have a look at them and also send a line of confirmation if you agree on the same so that I can send you a detailed business proposal. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours truly,
(Your Signature)
Lyle Sutton
Director – Devolt Microsystems

You can use this letter to get approval for a business loan.

Sample 12: Business Funding Proposal Cover Letter

Wilma Pace
Ap #676-6532 Odio Rd.
Darlington CO 06963
(926) 709-3295


Vielka Nielsen
Ap #517-7326 Elementum Rd.
Fort Smith North Dakota 79637

Subject: (____________)

Dear Vielka Nielsen,

I, Roger Thompson, am writing this letter on behalf of Thompson Industries PVT LTD. Established in 2011, we have several plants in New York and Washington DC. Also, we are planning to start a new plant in Chicago this year.
Therefore, I'm writing this letter to your NFBC to grant me a loan of $500000 for the purchase of infrastructure and other expenses. I will send you the details of my business and other documents once you confirm that you are willing to grant this loan.
I'm hoping for a quick and positive reply from your end. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours truly,
Wilma Pace
Director – Thompson Industries

This letter is usually used by non-profit organizations and NGOs to collect funds from a business.

Sample 13: Business Sponsorship Proposal Letter

Jasper Carney
1195 Lobortis Rd.
New Orleans New Hampshire 71983
(763) 409-5446


Remedios Hester
487-5787 Mollis St.
City of Industry Louisiana 67973

Subject: (____________)

Dear Remedios Hester,

We are running a restaurant named 'Govind Bhojanalay' where we provide free meals to orphan and poor children. Of late, we are unable to meet our financial needs due to a shortage of funds.
We learned that your company, Stuttgart Industries provides sponsorship for those institutions and organizations that are involved in humanitarian causes. Therefore, we request you to sponsor our daily meal program where we provide 2-meals daily to orphan and poor children.
I have enclosed details of our work in the attachment. Please call me on 1234-223435 for further details.

Yours Truly,
Jasper Carney
Founder & Co-owner – Govind Bhojanalay

If you are writing a business proposal letter to your client then you can have a look at this example.

Sample 14: Business Proposal Letter to Client

Eleanor Jennings
9631 Semper Ave
Astoria NJ 66309
(906) 217-1470


Ezra Duffy
Ap #782-7348 Dis Rd.
Austin KY 50710

Subject: (____________)

Dear Ezra Duffy,

I, Eleanor Jennings, am writing this letter to you on behalf of Three-G Digital Studios. We are in this business since 2005 and have worked for numerous national and international clients.
We have learned that your company is looking for someone who can design banners and hoardings for their clients. Therefore, I'm writing this letter to offer our banner and hoarding designing services at competitive rates to your company.
Please call me on 1234-42345 if you have any queries or doubts. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours truly,
Eleanor Jennings
CEO – Three-G Digital Studios

A follow-up letter is used to take a follow-up of your business proposals.

Sample 15: Business Proposal Follow-Up Letter

Haviva Holcomb
P.O. Box 642 3450 In Road
Isle of Palms New York 03828
(896) 303-1164


McKenzie Hernandez
Ap #367-674 Mi Street
Greensboro VT 40684

Subject: (____________)

Dear McKenzie Hernandez,

I, Haviva Holcomb, am writing this letter to you on behalf of Moon Marketing Agency. Last week, I had sent a business proposal to your company, The Bombay Vikings regarding our digital marketing services.
I have not received any response or feedback from your end regarding our proposal. Therefore, I request you to take a look at it on an urgent basis and let us know what you think about our business proposal.
We are expecting a quick response from your end. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours truly,
Haviva Holcomb
Management head – Moon Marketing Agency


One comment

  1. wow i so love this.